The food is the most important priority in my family, because i have two big brothers and two nephews who eat so much, and very fast. When I was a child, I thought that the second of my brothers was competing with me, he was always the first to finish the lunch, then my parents gave him permition to watch TV in their bed, and choose his favorite program. When I saw this situation, I would won the TV prize. But while faster I ate, I fattened faster, and that didn't to my mom. The competition became anxious, and I only wanted to eat. All my childhood I was on a diet, but, when I was eighteen, I became aware, and I could lose weight.
I have two favorite foods, the pastas and bean stew ("porotos granados"), I could eat all the days of the week, but I only know who to cook the pastas, the "porotos granados" have more preparation in the kitchen, and with the studies my time to cook is reduced. I like the vegetables too, but the only stuff of food that I hate with my sould, are the ocean stuff, makes me feel sicknees only with their odor.