The best concert I've ever had was in 2009, when my ex favorite band Panic at the disco arrived in Chile in April of that year.
I bought the tickets as soon as I knew about the concert, but I was too little to go by myself, so my oldest brother had to take me to the concert. He loves the music, He wanted to be a rock musician before, he didn't discriminate the different kinds of music.
This band was an alternative, circus, rock band, and I was an alternative teenager, I wanted to be different from my classmates, then I was listening another kind of music, from the rest of them.
The concert was in the Movistar Arena, and my father got us VIP tickets to see my idols the nearest we could. My brother Marche was all the time by my side, and I was annoying because I jumped, danced, screamed and my brother wanted to protect me from the other jumps jajaja I had to tell him live alone and go to the bottom of the ground ajajajja I was the worst.
after the concert, the news of Canal 13 asked me about the concert, and after that I'd to run because my father was outside and We had to come back to Talca fastly, because the next day I got the SIMCE in my school, I slept only 3 hours, it was workth it.